
Friday, November 5, 2010

pregnancy shenanigans

I'm pretty sure it's WAY too early for the whole nesting part of pregnancy but nonetheless I just spent the last two hours cleaning my house. Now when I say cleaning we all need to understand that I do the bare minimum when it comes to cleaning---vacuuming, mopping and cleaning the bathrooms and a LIGHT dusting that probably makes my mother cringe every time she comes's one of the many chores I detest. I would much rather spend all day in Phoenix traffic in the middle of July at high noon than clean the house.

But again...I just spent the last two hours cleaning my house. I mean dusting everything...base boards, shelves, behind the TV in our room and my perfume bottles. I vacuumed like it was going out of style and steamed mopped my floors to include the kitchen which usually gets swiffered as an after thought. Holy Cleaning. And surprisingly I feel so much better.

I don't know...I'm perplexed by pregnancy. I officially can't fit into the majority of my jeans which makes me increasingly sad as the days go by. I love jeans! I probably would've worn them to my wedding had I not loved my wedding dress so much. I'm also finding that my memory is fading and quickly. Yesterday, I spent my entire morning looking for 3 green attendance cards that I swore I took out of my box at school. I remember taking them out of my box, stopping to talk to another 1st grade teacher and then getting to my room as the bell rang. After that I have no freaking memory of what happened to the cards. I looked like a freaking nut picking up piles of paper and looking in both of my trash cans 4 times each. Going through my kiddos folders and very close to tearing through their backpacks. I repeatedly asked them "Did anyone pick up green cards from my table" and "What did Mrs. Faust do when we came into the classroom"? God bless 1st graders, they tried in earnest to help me find them but then I think they just got a kick out of it because as we we're lining up for lunch and I'm frantically searching for these stupid cards trying to keep myself from crying like a 1st grader, I began to hear whispers of "Watch Mrs. Faust, she's looking for those cards again". Hello..when you have 25 1st graders watching you for pure enjoyment...there's a problem. I'm leaving the cafeteria to go eat my lunch I'm debating in my head if I should go tell our lovely secretaries what this preggo lady did, while telling another 1st grade teacher what my problem is...I go to the my mailbox and what should I find? The three cards that have left me in an absolute panic. You'd think finding them would have made my life, but no...I'm saddened to realize that my thought process and short term memory are most definitely fading. And good news...apparently this lasts through the pregnancy and after.

I'm sorry but at this point...I don't find this experience "magical".. I find it to be frustrating. Oh I'll be so worth it once we have the sweet bundle of happiness but until then are you kidding me? I'm 15 weeks...I've got like 160-something more days.

I would just like to go and drink an AMP (I think...I have no idea but whatever energy drink I was addicted to in college). But I think that's definitely not allowed. =/

1 comment:

  1. Well I don't exactly "cringe" but I'm all for cleaning and dusting! :-) you will get it someday probably as soon as the kiddo(s) start contributing to the overall mess we all call home. ;o)
