
Saturday, February 5, 2011

confessions...or as I call them my quirks

Well it appears the world, well blogging world, has gone confession crazy. Bloggers are writing confessions left and right so I figured why not share a few of my own.

1. I plan out my outfits for the week Sunday nights when I'm in bed trying to fall asleep. Most people are probably thinking about what they need to accomplish the next morning when they get into work...not me. I'm figuring out what I want to wear and on which day I want to wear it.

2. When I eat Lucky Charms I always eat the non-marshmallow things first and then I put the marshmallows into their homogeneous groups and proceed to eat them one group at a time.

3. If I'm bored with a book that I'm reading I always read the last few pages just to see how it ends. Sometimes I do this is even if I'm into the book. I also fast forward through boring parts of a movie.

4. I am obsessed with anything Ladybug. I became obsessed with ladybugs when I created an entire thematic unit around them for one of my Ed. classes in college. I'm also obsessed with cartoony owls and am currently decorating Jameson's room with owl decor.

5. I talk to myself...a lot. Don't judge me.

6. I have a very eclectic taste in Ipod has everything from 80's to country to pop to indie to some songs that have rap thrown into the middle. I always rap along with those songs.

7. I hate loose teeth. It literally makes my mouth hurt when a kiddo comes up to me to show me their loose tooth. I often ask them to "Please put their tooth and tongue back in their mouth and come find me when it falls out."

8. I would much rather text you then talk to you on the phone. I hate talking on the phone.

9. When I'm nervous I talk extremely fast often forgetting to breath. I find that I internally have to tell myself to slow down and breathe or I'm going to start to hyperventilate.

10. I'm a hypochondriac. I think I'm going to die no matter what the ailment may be.

11. I go to movies early solely for the previews. It's the best part of the movie.

12. I hate walking with or behind someone who is a slow walker. My husband is a slow walker. I'm often walking ahead of him holding his hand and dragging him like he's 3 years old. I have to remind myself to slow down when we're walking together.

13. I can't sleep unless I'm under a sheet, a comforter and then another blanket with the fan on turbo speed. I also hate going to bed with socks on. I wake up in the middle of night angry because of that feeling of a sock half way off my foot.

14. In college my original major was Psychology. I loved taking Abnormal Psychology. I find mental disorders and what causes psychotic breaks fascinating. I wanted to work as a Psychiatrist in a prison for the criminally insane. A part of me still does. I also love watching all those crime shows although I'm secretly afraid that I'll die like one of those scenarios.

15. I hate getting rid of stuffed animals. It gives me that feeling of sadness that I'm choosing to keep this one over that one.

16. I'm still afraid of the dark. When I'm home alone all of the lights are on in the house.

Well now that I've shared some of my quirks...feel free to leave me a comment with one of your quirks.

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