
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Zoo Lights

This weekend the hubs and I went to Zoo Lights at the Reid Park Zoo in Tucson. Neither of us had been before to any kind of Zoo Lights so we thought it would be fun. We got there around 6:30 and found the line to wrap around the Aquatic Center that is next door. With a little apprehension we got in line but found it to move fairly quickly. We were in the line probably about 15-20 minutes. Next time we go, we'll be buying the advance tickets. But nonetheless it was finely our turn to buy our tickets and in we went. It was actually really neat. The way they had the lights strung up. It was very pretty. I love Christmas lights...this time of year, I love to drive around and look at all the houses with their pretty decorations, so this was a treat for me! The only animals that were out were the elephants and they were probably wondering what in the world was going on? Why were all of these people in their house at that time of night? I really want to go to Zoo Lights in Phoenix. We didn't have the fanciest camera...but we did get some pictures. Enjoy!
Poor guys...had no idea what was going on.

I need these guys in my front yard....don't tell my husband. =)

Here I am at 20 weeks.


  1. looks like fun!! when did you start getting a bump?

  2. I had a mini bump for a few weeks starting around week 13 or so and then between weeks 18 and now (I'm 21 tomorrow) it just popped out. I feel the baby all the time. Very cool but also very weird.
