I can't believe how big he's getting. He looks like a real person now...he's lost all of newness. He "talks" so much and I think is starting to learn the cause and effect of talking. If he talks we answer back and if we're talking he tries to interject. He's rolling to his tummy which isn't always the most pleasant experience for both him or us. He rolls to his tummy in his sleep and stays asleep. He sleeps on average of 9 hours a night...sometimes we squeak by with 10 hours. He's always been a good eater but now he gets angry when you take his bottle away when he's not done. He'll pull your finger or hand back. He's also trying to get his hands around his bottle. He's starting to become aware of people who are permanent fixtures in his life and people who come and go. He also will look towards noise and follow you as you walk across the room. He's also getting better at sitting up in his bumbo. The hubs can also get him to laugh hysterically by blowing on his feet and letting his beard tickle his toes. It's quite comical to watch.
I'm in awe of how fast time is going. I feel like he just came home from the hospital. I can't believe in 2 months he'll be half a year old.
He was grumpy from his shots.
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